Migrating Motor Complex Videos
Videofluoroscopy by Dr Ehrlein from the Technical University of Munich/University of Hohenheim
MMC overview - Interdigestive motility animation
"proximal" = upper
"distal" = lower
"aboral" = away from the mouth
"antrum" = lower stomach
"duodenum" = upper small intestine
"jejunm" = middle small intestine
"ileum" = lower small intestine
- Stomach and small intestine MMC - Gastro duodenal phase III
- Upper small intestine MMC - Jejunal peristaltic waves of phase III
- Lower small intestine - Ileal peristaltic waves of phase III
MMC overview - Interdigestive motility animation
"proximal" = upper
"distal" = lower
"aboral" = away from the mouth
"antrum" = lower stomach
"duodenum" = upper small intestine
"jejunm" = middle small intestine
"ileum" = lower small intestine
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